Sunday, September 16, 2007


*Puppy Power

Puppies have 28 temporary teeth that erupt at about three to four weeks of age. They have 42 permanent teeth that begin to emerge at about four months of age. Puppies should receive their first
vaccine at 6-8 weeks of age, and then have boosters at 12 and 16 weeks of age. Certain pups, namely Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers and Pit Bulls should probably have a 4th booster as they can have problems developing complete immunity, especially to parvo.

** Necessary Temporary Isolation **

Until the first of vaccinations has been completed, usually at about ten to fourteen weeks of age, your puppy must not be allowed into areas where other, unvaccinated, dogs and or other animals, may have walked. This means that the puppy must be confined to your own yard or garden, and must be carried if it ventures outside (for example, to visit the veterinary clinic).

*Puppy Signs of Good Health
-Rounded, not bulging; soft and flexible, not taunt or drum-like; not potbellied; no swelling around navel.
-Enthusiastic for food; no undue scavenging; no vomiting.
-Clean, with no stains, scouring, or matting by dry feces.
-Quiet and even when at rest; no labored breathing; no coughing; normally panting to cool down after play.
-No splitting; no overgrown claws.
-Clean, pleasant-smelling; free from parasites, loose hairs or dirt; soft to the touch; not straw-like or brittle.
-Curious, alert, vital; quickly responsive to sounds and calls.
-Alert to slightest sound; clean, with no brown or yellow deposits; head and ears held in normal position; no scratching, rubbing or shaking of the head.
-Clear, with no cloudiness of the cornea; not unduly sensitive to light; no discharge or weeping; not bloodshot.
-Consistently formed; color varying according to diet; should be passed regularly two to four times daily.
-Tends to be very active in short spurts with rest periods between; young puppies may sleep 16 out of 24 hours; bouncing, uncoordinated movement normal; young puppies tend to fall over their own feet; no limping or lameness.
-Condition depends on environment; likely to be cold and damp out of doors, warm and dry indoors; no persistent discharge; nostrils not blocked by dried mucous.
-No matting of hair between the digits due to contamination by mud, tar or grease; no cracked pads.
Skin Condition
-Loose and supple; clean, without undue amount of dander, inflammation, parasites, or sores.
-Clean and white; gums pink except those of the Chow which may show darker pigmentation; shedding of the milk teeth normal occurs between two and five months.
-Straw colored, not cloudy; no blood in the urine; passes urine frequently, with no difficulty; both sexes tend to squat to urinate until puberty (starts at approx. 5 or 6 months of age), at which point male dogs may begin to start lifting their legs' to mark territory, fixed males may start later.